This sport is as raw and unfiltered as it gets. It’s all about raw power, pinpoint precision, and unshakable pride—no gloves, no padding, just pure guts and determination! Brace yourself for the only sport where getting smacked in the face isn’t just part of the action—it’s the heart and soul of the game.





SlapFIGHT 40: Legacy

Competitors Winner Round
Mexicutioner vs. Boston SlappahMexicutioner by TKORound 6
FAFO vs. CowboyFAFO by DecisionRound 7
Concrete Finisher vs. FirecrackerFirecracker by KORound 2
Okie Savage vs. Bad InfluenceOkie Savage by DecisionRound 7
Biscuit vs. Classic LizardBiscuit by TKORound 3
The Cannon vs. The CureThe Cannon by TKORound 3
Slim Reaper vs. RuntRunt by DecisionRound 10

SlapFIGHT 39: Young Guns

Competitors Winner Round
Senpai Spanke vs. SmileySmiley by DecisionRound 7
Boston Slappah vs. Classic LizardClassic Lizard by TKORound 4
Bad Influence vs. MexicutionerBad Influence by TKORound 5
Okie Savage vs. DemonOkie Savage by TKORound 1
FPS vs. FirecrackerFPS by KORound 1
Black Larry vs. SlapkageBlack Larry by KORound 1

SlapFIGHT 38: Freakshow

Competitors Winner Round
Black Larry vs. The Hunter vs. Shamokin Thunder ClapBlack Larry by TKORound 4
Grizzley vs. "Dangerous" Danny SteeleGrizzley by KORound 4
Frank the Tank vs. Stretch and FAFOFrank the Tank by DecisionRound 10

SlapFIGHT 37: Melting Point

Competitors Winner Round
Big Action vs. Clutch CassidyBig Action by KORound 1
Slap Savage vs. Chin ReaperChin Reaper by KORound 2
The Hunter vs. MalletMallet by DecisionRound 7
Slim Reaper vs. Big ActionSlim Reaper by TKORound 6
Biscuit vs. Slim ReaperSlim Reaper by DecisionRound 7
Runt vs. Okuma 915Runt by TKORound 6

SlapFIGHT 36: Sub Zero

Competitors Winner Round
FPS vs. Concrete FinisherFPS by TKORound 3
Smiley vs. ExtinguisherSmiley by DecisionRound 7
Frank The Tank vs. Rocky MooreFrank the Tank by TKORound 7
The Cannon vs. FPSThe Cannon by KORound 2
Black Larry vs. FirecrackerFirecracker by DecisionRound 7

SlapFIGHT 35: Onslaught

Competitors Winner Round
Extinguisher vs. FirecrackerFirecracker by TKORound 5
FPS vs. Concrete FinisherFPS by TKORound 6
Cowboy vs. GrizzlyGrizzly by DecisionRound 7
Raven vs. WildmanRaven by KORound 3
Classic Lizard vs. SlapkageSlapkage by TKORound 2
Black Larry vs. SmileyBlack Larry by KORound 1

SlapFIGHT 34: Heavy Artillery

Competitors Winner Round
Demon vs. SandmanDemon by KORound 4
Mallet vs. OutlawOutlaw by DecisionRound 7
Tim "The Maine-iac" Sylvia vs. NeanderthalTim "The Maine-iac" Sylvia by TKORound 3
Berserker vs. Okuma 915Okuma 915 by DecisionRound 7

SlapFIGHT 33: 420

Competitors Winner Round
FPS vs. WildmanWildman by DecisionRound 7
Mallet vs. SmileyMallet by TKORound 5
Okuma 915 vs. The CannonThe Cannon by DecisionRound 10
Biscuit vs. SlapkageBiscuit by DecisionRound 7
Shamokin Thunder Clap vs. RuntRunt by KORound 2

SlapFIGHT 32: Vertigo

Competitors Winner Round
Slap Daddy vs. Okuma 915Okuma 915 by KORound 2
Slap Savage vs. Black LarryBlack Larry by DecisionRound 7
One-Eyed Wolf vs. Slim ReaperSlim Reaper by DecisionRound 10

SlapFIGHT 31: High Velocity

Competitors Winner Round
Black Larry vs. Slap ZaddyBlack Larry by DecisionRound 7
Mallet vs. SmileyMallet by TKORound 4
Sandman vs. John SnowJohn Snow by DecisionRound 7
The Cannon vs. D-FlanThe Cannon by DecisionRound 10
Leviathon vs. Frank the TankFrank The Tank by KORound 1
Raven vs. OutlawRaven by TKORound 3
Biscuit vs. Concrete FinisherBiscuit by DecisionRound 7
Wildman vs. Shamokin Thunder ClapShamokin Thunder Clap by DecisionRound 7
Berserker vs. RuntRunt by DecisionRound 10

SlapFIGHT 30: Frenzy

Competitors Winner Round
Concrete Finisher vs. D-FlanNo ContestRound 4
Lumarian Practitioner vs. Monkey WrenchNo ContestRound 1
Runt vs. Bayou BastardRunt by TKORound 10

SlapFIGHT 29: Boiling Point

Competitors Winner Round
Berserker vs. 12 gaugeBerserker by TKORound 5
Wildman vs. Black LarryWildman by DecisionRound 10
Outlaw vs. Slap SavageNo ContestRound 3
The Cannon vs. Slap DaddyThe Cannon by DecisionRound 10
Okuma 915 vs. Slim ReaperSlim Reaper by KORound 6

SlapFIGHT 28: Turf Wars

Competitors Winner Round
Black Larry vs. OutlawOutlaw by TKORound 7
Slap Kage vs. MexicutionerMexicutioner by DecisionRound 10
D-Flan vs. Slap ZaddyD-Flan by TKORound 1
Rocky Moore vs. Frank the TankFrank the Tank by DecisionRound 10

SlapFIGHT 27: Nemesis

Competitors Winner Round
Grizzley vs. Tim "The Maine-iac" SylviaTim "The Maine-iac" Sylvia by DecisionRound 10
Raven vs. The CannonRaven by DecisionRound 10
Frank The Tank vs. Young JamesFrank The Tank by TKORound 6
Big Cracker vs. NeanderthalNeanderthal by KORound 2

SlapFIGHT 26: Challenger Series

Competitors Winner Round
Black Larry vs. Concrete FinisherBlack Larry by KORound 3
Wildman vs. Masked MojitoWildman by DecisionRound 5
Slap Kage vs. Concrete FinisherConcrete Finisher by TKORound 4
Scrappy Doo vs. MalletScrappy Doo by DecisionRound 5
Mallet vs. Scrappy DooMallet by KORound 2

SlapFIGHT 25: Armageddon

Competitors Winner Round
Slap Savage vs. The CannonThe Cannon by DecisionRound 10
Bubbles vs. GrizzlyBubbles by DecisionRound 10
Tim "The Maine-iac" Sylvia vs. The BouncerThe Maine-iac by KORound 5
Outlaw vs. RuntRunt by KORound 4
Berserker vs. MagniBerserker by KORound 3

Lorem Ipsum

Lorem Ipsum

Frequently Asked Questions

What regulations exist for slaps in SlapFIGHT?

Slaps must follow strict rules, including using an open hand, no pivoting or stepping, and no flinching. Any violations, such as clubbing or stepping, are enforced by referees with penalties.

Competitors undergo physical exams, hearing tests, and random steroid testing before and after matches. On-site EMTs and medics evaluate competitors during bouts if necessary, and no competitor is allowed to fight within 60 days of their last competition.

All matches are held on 2.5 inches of padded foam flooring for knockdown safety. Competitors are required to wear no metal piercings or gauges, have cotton inserted in their ears to protect against eardrum damage, and undergo mandatory training to ensure legal and safe slaps.

SlapFIGHT employs three trained referees at each bout: one behind the barrel to monitor strikes and flinches, one kneeling to watch for steps and pivots, and one overseeing the overall action and replays. Additionally, a sanctioning representative handles disputes, ensures fairness, and maintains safety throughout the competition.



Featured Athletes


Think you’ve seen intensity? Slapfight Championship athletes bring raw power, unmatched focus, and unshakable endurance to every face-off. They’re masters of precision, delivering calculated strikes with the force of a freight train while keeping their composure under pressure. These competitors turn every match into a showcase of resilience, grit, and respect—it’s not just about the slap, it’s about the strategy and heart behind it.

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name long a second name

name long a second name

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